Parent Governor Vacancy

Parent Governor Vacancy
Dear Parents/Carers,
Due to a governors term of office ending, the Governing Body has a vacancy for a Parent Governor. An application form has been emailed. Printed applications can be collected from the School Office.
The Governing Body meets regularly throughout the year to support the school in achieving its long-term goals.
Governance responsibilities
The Governing Body works together to:
- develop a vision and strategy for the school
- oversee the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
- holds the school and school leaders to account to ensure that every pupil has the best possible education
- engage with pupils, staff, parents and the school or trust community to understand their views
Governance activities
- attending governing board meetings: these normally take place around six times a year and are generally held outside school hours
- looking at information and evidence on the school with school leaders
- visiting the school to see plans working in practice, and listening to the views of staff, pupils and parents
- involvement with appointments
- making decisions about issues such as pupil exclusions and staff disciplinary matters
- undertaking induction training and ongoing development
Governance eligibility
To be eligible to volunteer within school you need:
- the time to contribute
- to be aged 18 or over
- not to be disqualified under the relevant rules and procedures
To find out more about being a School Governor, please click the link below.
Yours faithfully,
Mr M Dakin
St Giles’ CE Primary School