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Welcome and School Day (Ethos and Values)

St-Giles Master Version.mp4


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Compulsory School Day 

8.30am- School Open- All children enter classrooms upon arrival.

8.30am Registration Opens 

8.45am Registration Closes 

11.45am-12.40pm (EYFS Lunch)

12.00pm-12.40pm (KS1 Lunch) 

12.45-1.25pm (KS2 Lunch)

3.15pm KS1/2 End of Day Collection 

3.20pm EYFS End of Day Collection  (Main School Pick-Up)

Cumulative School Hours 

EYFS - 32.5 hours per week

KS1 - 32.5 hours per week 

KS2 - 32.5 hours per week

Optional Extended School Day

Tutoring/Sports Clubs/Choir 3.30pm-4.30pm 

Music Provision 3.30pm-4.30pm (Forest Arts Orchestra) 

St Giles CE Primary Staffing Structure 2023-24 

Headteacher: Mr M Dakin

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs H Mavi

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr L Dow

Deputy Safeguarding and Family Support Manager: Mrs L Leonowicz 

Mental Health First Aider:Mrs L Leonowicz

SEND Teachers:

Ms. Kate Morris 

Behaviour Support Workers: Mrs Chemaine Green / Mrs Rachel Jones 

Nursery: Mrs S Draper/ Mrs M Talib 

RS: Miss S Hussain 

RG: Mrs S Zollino 

1S: Miss R Steventon

1G:  Miss R Tucker

2S: Miss K Jenkins

2G: Miss N Mander

3S: Mrs D Caron/Mrs R Treadwell 

3G: Miss J Powell

4S: Miss J Meetka

4G: Mr P Jones

5S: Mr H Hemming

5G Mrs I Johal 

6S Mr D Hatfield

6G Miss D Rochelle

Welcome to St Giles' Church of England Primary School.

Values and ethos


‘You must love one another as I have loved you.’ John 13 v 34.

Working together with love we will provide a happy and nurturing environment where all will, ‘learn to love and love to learn’, making outstanding progress through an enriched and creative curriculum. Through our strong Christian ethos we will celebrate and embrace the richness of our community.

Learn to Love - Love to Learn

‘You must love one another as I have loved you.’ John 13 v 34


Our vision and Christian ethos is supported by the following core values;

Forgiveness and Reconciliation


Compassion and Community


Service and Stewardship


The school’s mission statement will be underpinned by our vision, motto and values with our commitment to the ‘Rights of the Child’ (UNCRC).

We will therefore:
  • nurture a compassionate community where all feel safe to express their different points of view knowing that their opinions are valued.

Article 12 (respect for the views of the child)

Article 30 (children from minority or indigenous groups)

  • work in partnership with our community ensure that agape is at the heart of all we do.

Article 14 (freedom of thought, belief and religion)

  •  teach the true meaning of forgiveness and reconciliation encouraging an attitude of loving one another and promoting good mental health and wellbeing.

Article 2 (non-discrimination)

  • have at our heart collective worship that will encompass our vision and Christian ethos.

Article 14 (freedom of thought, belief and religion)

  • provide an enriched and creative curriculum where all will flourish so that they ‘learn to love and love to learn.’

Article 28 (right to education)

  • develop a PSHE and RSE curriculum that has at its heart equality and inclusion preparing children for the joys and challenges of modern Britain.

Article 3 (best interests of the child)

  • instil the attitude of service and stewardship  that challenges social injustice, promotes equality and encourages an understanding of our world and the needs and wants of others.

Article 29 (goals of education)

On behalf of the staff and governors of St Giles C.E. Primary, I want to welcome you and your family to our new school web site.

St Giles is a special place where the staff are dedicated to providing a stimulating, exciting environment where everyone feels valued and safe, ideas can flourish and pupils can realise their full potential.

By providing a well-structured and engaging curriculum, and by promoting good behaviour through our Christian ethos, we aim to enthuse in all children a love of learning as well as respect and care for each other. We aim to ensure your child thrives at St Giles C.E. Primary, feeling safe, having fun and enjoying success. We want our pupils' time in our school to be memorable, build on what they know and can do as well as help them become lifelong learners. We highly value the partnership between home, school and Church and encourage all parents to take an active part in the education of their children. The school cannot work in isolation.

The partnership between school staff, parents, governors and other stakeholders is an essential one. Together we can set challenges and our partners can help us ask ‘how can we do it even better’.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school. If you would like any paper copies of information on our website, please contact the School Office. (All copies requested  will be provided free of charge.) 

Mr M Dakin


Learn to Love - Love to Learn

‘You must love one another as I have loved you.’ John 13 v 34