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St. Giles Church of England Primary School

You must love one another as I have loved you.’ John 13 v 34.

‘learn to love and love to learn’.

Get in touch

Digital Detox

Your child’s school has enrolled in the change your mind programme. This programme is delivered by Queen Mary’s Grammar School and is a student-led volunteering programme delivering health and wellbeing workshops to Year 6 pupils.


The school nursing service are working in collaboration with Queen Mary’s Grammar School and offering a parent workshop alongside the pupil sessions.


The parent workshop will cover information that will allow you, as a parent, to support your children to implement the advice offered in the pupil workshops. The parent workshop will last for approximately one hour.


We would like to invite you to a parent information session for: Digital Detox


On: 05/02/2020 at 09.00 until 10.00.


Venue: St Giles School

