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St. Giles Church of England Primary School

You must love one another as I have loved you.’ John 13 v 34.

‘learn to love and love to learn’.

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Parent Governor Vacancy



We are looking to fill a vacancy for Parent Governor on the Governing Body. Parent Governors should be parents of pupils currently at the school. We are seeking to acquire a Parent Governor who can offer skills in one of the following areas: - Detailed financial knowledge and expertise including accountancy qualification/s; - Detailed Human Resources knowledge including qualifications in this area; - Wellbeing and Mental Health interest/qualification.

If you feel you can offer skills as outlined in one of the above areas, we would love to hear from you. The role of the Governing Body is key to the overall effectiveness of our school. If you choose to stand for election you will be joining a team of committed individuals who strive to make a positive contribution to St Giles’ CE Primary School.

The Governing Body is required to meet three times a year, with half-termly committee meetings. The Governing Body usually meets on a Thursday at 6.00pm. The next Full Board meeting will be held on Thursday 25th March 2021. We also have the following Committees: Curriculum and Development; Pay and Personnel; and Finance and General Purposes.

Governors are expected to serve on at least one of the above committees in order to meet the needs of the Board and to undertake training to help them to fulfil their role as necessary. The focus for the immediate future is upon stability as we move to embed and deliver our forward looking School Development Plan and maintain and strengthen our high quality provision for our pupils at this challenging time.

We are seeking a Parent Governor who can offer skills in one of the three areas outlined  above and will make a positive contribution to the school, support all that it stands for and contribute to our ethos of high expectations by offering both support and challenge on strategic issues. If you wish to put your name forward to serve as a Parent Governor please complete the attached nomination form and return it to me at school by e-mail to:  no later than 9am on Friday 11th  December 2020. Certain people may not be eligible for election because they have been adjudged Bankrupt or have been convicted of certain criminal offences. Governors will also require a DBS. If you require further information on this please contact me. Advice will be given in the strictest confidence. Should you have any queries regarding this election please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mr M Dakin
