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St. Giles Church of England Primary School

You must love one another as I have loved you.’ John 13 v 34.

‘learn to love and love to learn’.

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The National Academy- Online Learning

Oak National Academy is a new collection of high-quality lessons and online resources. Backed by the Government, it has been created in response to the coronavirus lockdown.


Our online classroom offers free access to great teachers, delivering video lessons, quizzes and worksheets. Available for both primary and secondary levels, it covers a range of subjects. All of the lessons are ordered so your child can learn along a clear plan. We’ll provide new lessons and resources each week.


Oak National Academy will fit alongside other resources such as BBC Bitesize to offer a structure for the day for children until schools fully reopen.


Oak National Academy was built at speed; at present our resources are for pupils who usually access their schools’ curriculum in mainstream education, from reception through to year 10, without significant support or adaptation.
