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St. Giles Church of England Primary School

You must love one another as I have loved you.’ John 13 v 34.

‘learn to love and love to learn’.

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  • Year 3-4 Violin Showcase

    Sat 05 Apr 2014

    Children at St Giles C.E. Primary are part of the two million children nationwide who have the opportunity to experience the magic and discipline of making music. Skilled teachers from the  local Music Service teach pupils an instrument every week. The class teacher joins in and learns to play too.


    Key to the success is broadening access to music lessons, giving every child an opportunity to play an instrument, regardless of their parents’ income or interest in music at home. As well as the added benefits of developing children academically and socially, it is a powerful springboard for new talent too.


    Originally developed in response to David Blunkett’s statement in 2000 that ‘over time, all pupils in primary school who wish to, will have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument;’ the first programmes of whole class instrument learning were quite a new approach requiring new teaching strategies. A decade later, these programmes are well established and the Love Music Trust has a wide experience of delivering quality experiences, training staff and supporting staff.


    Our children showcased their musical talents this performing a number of pieces that they have been practicing over the past term. Congratulations to all those who took part! 

  • Asthma Update~Dealing with the air pollution

    Thu 03 Apr 2014

    The school has been advised that children do not need to be kept inside during this reported period of increased air pollution. However, it is important that the following guidelines are followed:


    Please help the school to support your child with asthma.


    • Ensure the school has up-to-date written information about: your child's asthma medicines, how much they take and when. Information should be included about your child's individual triggers and signs of an asthma attack. Ensure this written information is always up to date.
    • Inform the school about the medicines your child requires during school hours
    • Inform the school of any medicines your child requires while taking part in visits, outings or field trips and other out of school hours activities such as school team sports
    • Tell the school about any changes to your child's medicines. What they take and how much
    • Inform the school of any changes to your child's asthma (for example, if their symptoms are getting worse or they are sleeping badly due to their asthma)
    • Provide the school with a spare reliever inhaler (and spacer where relevant) labelled with your child's name
    • Ensure your child's reliever inhaler that they take to school with them is labelled with their name
    • Ensure that your child's reliever inhaler and the spare is within its expiry date

    Other help and resources


    Tue 01 Apr 2014